The Formula to Making This Work

Throughout my life, I have succeeded in all my endeavors, but regardless of the many hours studying, surfing the web, attending classes, participating in Mom Groups, and watching examples of successful mothers, none of these prepared me for motherhood. I was "born again" the day I became a mother; learning and growing in all aspects of motherhood, becoming more aware of strengths I never realized I had. Unfortunately, along with these strengths came insecurities, life stressors, layers and colors of emotions, and a vulnerable inner cry for help that was a new experience for me. Over and over again we have heard the old adage, "It takes a village to raise a child". I agree! Where is the village to support mothers? The role of a mother is one of the most rewarding and difficult career paths a woman will ever choose. I am not an expert, but just like you, I am a mother trying to figure this out day by day. My two beautiful daughters who are the light of my life, are constantly teaching and perfecting me in every manner of maturity. 
